College & Career Planning
Below is a list of colleges and universities our students have been accepted to within the past five years. We are so proud of our past students!
- Arizona State University
- Bakersfield College
- Central Arizona College
- Coastal Carolina University
- Colorado State University
- Concordia University
- Dayton University
- Duquesne University
- Eastern Carolina University
- Elon University
- Gilbert Chandler College
- Grambling State College
- Grand Canyon University
- Howard University
- Jacksonville University
- Kansas State
- Loyola Marymount LA
- Mississippi State
- Mesa College
- Moberly College
- Montana State College
- Montreal College
- Mott College
- Oregon State University
- Pepperdine University
- Pima College
- Regis University
- Rice University
- San Diego State
- San Jose State
- Scottsdale College
- UCLA (University of California Los Angeles)
- University of Alabama
- University of Arizona
- University of California LA
- University of Auburn
- University of California San Diego
- University of Colorado
- University of Dayton
- University of Kentucky
- University of Maryland
- University of Michigan
- University of Missouri
- University of Nebraska
- University of New Hampshire
- University of North Dakota
- University of Utah
- University of Wyoming
- Vanderbilt University
- Western Colorado State
Reflection and Self-Evaluation –The first step in career planning should be to gather information about yourself to assist in making a decision about a career. Contact the Academic Dean.
Exploration –The second step is to explore and research your options. Exploring takes your self-assessment a step further by looking at your personal interests, skills, values, and work-life needs and narrowing down areas of possibilities.
Decision-Making and Goal Setting –After having completed your self-assessment and explored your options you should be ready to make some career decisions. The question now is how you will decide.
Gaining Experience –Career related experience can help you develop the skills, abilities and knowledge to solidify your career goals.
Implementation –This is the step in the process where you implement what you have learned and move forward towards a new job or more advanced education. You should also continue to evaluate your options and make adjustments as needed.
Our Academic Deans know what it takes for students to succeed beyond high school whether it be in college, trade profession, military or in their careers.
They are always just an email or a phone call away to help navigate college applications, offer advice on college and career choices, or be a listening ear.
Preparing for your future is a daunting task and must be planned carefully if you want to be successful. There are basic steps to help students plan their future. Along with working hard to get the grades necessary in academic courses, part of these steps include evaluating what you enjoy, where you would like to live, and how you would like to contribute in life. Your academic dean will assist you in researching a path that best fits you through the ECAP process. ECAP is your education and career action plan that assists with coursework and extended learning opportunities to help you identify career aspirations that best suit you. Please contact your academic dean to get started.
Meet with your academic dean at the beginning of the year so you can adjust your course schedule and register for college entrance exams. Continue to meet throughout your senior year to check in on your progress.
Complete your research and decide on the final list of schools you’d like to attend. Work with your academic dean to ensure you have a list that excites you, meets your needs, and matches your academic credentials.
Make sure you understand what the testing requirements are for each school on your list. Consult the official ACT and SAT websites for official exam dates and other registration information. Use your college applications to showcase your strengths and tell your personal story. To do this well will take time, effort, and careful attention to detail, so be mindful of deadlines and avoid waiting until the last minute. Touch base with your academic dean and teachers to make sure everything gets to each college you apply to, including your official high school transcript and letters of recommendation. FAFSA should be done as soon as possible beginning October 1. Some colleges will also ask you to complete the CSS Profile.
Be proactive about these meetings. Don’t wait for your academic dean to reach out to you. Apply to your colleges through one central application through
Below is a list of items we recommend you have before beginning your registration with the NCAA Eligibility Center:
Valid email address the student checks frequently and will have access to after high school.
Basic education history, including a list of all high schools or secondary schools you have attended and the dates during which you attended them.
Sports participation history (Certification Accounts only), including details about any teams with which you have practiced or played or events in which you participated, as well as information about any individuals that have advised you or marketed your skills.
Payment (Certification Accounts only). The registration fee is $90 for students from the United States and its territories, and Canada. The registration fee is $150 for students from all other countries. You must pay online by debit, credit card, or e-check. Some students may be eligible for a fee waiver